Release 0.3.1
Features added
#29 Allow user to import all components with
from guipy.components import *
Bugs fixed
Release 0.3.0
Made changes to the manager and the component base class. Component._draw() should contain most of the drawing that a component needs. Components.root surface is no longer standard in components, as Switch and Button have two static surfaces. Component.update() is now responsible for readying surfaces. In a similar fashion, GUIManager.update() now updates and blits components.
Features added
#23 Adding more components
Switch: A switch with two states
Button: A button that can display text and execute a callback when pressed
Dropdown: A dropdown menu that supports any object (in, other types of menus can be put here)
Live Plot: An extension of Plot. Displays a timestamped data stream and changes the y range dynamically
#23 Added more util functions.
get_default_font(): gets a Font object and is cross platform
clip(): applies a range to a value
float_format(): converts floats to strings.
Bugs fixed
Release 0.2.0
Dev Dependencies
Features added
Bugs fixed
#17 Removed private modules from documentation.